I answered a call today from a customer who was looking at non-mortise, pocket door privacy latches. He had several questions about them that some of you might also have, so I thought I’d go over them here. Question 1: Handed Latches The caller wanted to know if we make the latches handed, as it […]
Browsing Category: Industry Trends & Terminology
What Are Pivot Pocket Slides?
One product that I frequently get questions about is the Pivot Pocket Door Slides by Knape & Vogt. These slides allow you to open cabinet doors, such as on an armoire or TV cabinet, and then slide them back along the cabinet wall. This pushes the door to recess and gives you full access to […]
So, What Are Soft-Close Door Bumpers?
I was quite excited when we started stocking the Soft-Close Door Bumper from Grass. Many newer cabinets come with soft-close cabinet door hinges. But if you have older or economy cabinets like I do, then they likely have regular self-closing hinges that produce a thud sound when the cabinet door closes. I don’t particularly like […]